Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness


+/-Fall Term # of Scores GC Critical Reading National Critical Reading State Critical Reading GC Math National Math State Math GC Mean National Mean State Mean
* First-Time, Full-Time Freshmen include fall matriculants and does not include applications moved to another semester.
** Decision has been made
*** Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) First-Time/Full-Time Cohort

+/-Fall Term # of Scores English Math Reading Scientific Reasoning Mean ACT
* First-Time, Full-Time Freshmen fall matriculants and does not include applications moved to another semester.
** Decision has been made
*** Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) First-Time/Full-Time Cohort

+/-Fall Term # of Scores Avg HS GPA
* First-Time, Full-Time Freshmen include fall matriculants and does not include applications moved to another semester.

First-Time Freshmen Average HS GPA by CIP